How to Get a DBA Name in Louisiana

If you're operating a business in Louisiana under a name that's not your legal name, you may need to register for a "Doing Business As" (DBA) name. Registering a DBA name allows your business to operate under a name other than the one you use as the owner or as an established corporation. This article will guide you through the process of obtaining a DBA name in Louisiana.

What is a DBA Name?

A DBA name is a trade name or fictitious business name that a business uses in its operation instead of the legal name of the owner. It allows businesses to operate under a different name than their legal name. DBA names are required by law in Louisiana if the business does not operate under the owner's complete legal name.

Benefits of a DBA Name

There are several benefits to having a DBA name for your Louisiana business:

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1. Flexibility: A DBA name allows you to choose a more marketable name for your business, making it easier to attract customers.

2. Branding: Having a distinct DBA name can help you build a unique brand identity that sets you apart from competitors.

3. Protection: Registering a DBA name provides legal protection by establishing your right to operate your business under that name.

Steps to get a dba name in louisiana

Acquiring a DBA name in Louisiana involves a few simple steps. Follow this guide to ensure you secure your DBA name legally and efficiently:

1. Choose Your DBA Name

Decide on a unique and appropriate DBA name for your Louisiana business. Opt for a name that is memorable and easy to pronounce while also reflecting your business's goals and values. Make sure the name you choose is not already in use by another business in Louisiana to avoid any potential legal disputes down the road.

2. Check Availability of the DBA Name

Before registering your DBA name, you must ensure its availability. Conduct a thorough search through the Louisiana Secretary of State's website to see if any other business is using the same or a similar name. Additionally, it's wise to search for trademarks to ensure there are no conflicts with existing registered marks.

3. Register Your DBA Name

Once you have chosen an available DBA name, it's time to file the required paperwork with the appropriate entity in Louisiana. Follow these steps to register your DBA name:

1. Sole Proprietorship or Partnership: If you operate as a sole proprietorship or partnership, you need to register your DBA name with the Clerk of Court in each parish where your business will be operating. Visit the appropriate courthouse and fill out the necessary registration forms, paying any fees required.

2. Limited Liability Company (LLC) or Corporation: If you run your business as an LLC or corporation, you must register your DBA name with the Louisiana Secretary of State. Visit the [Secretary of State's website] to complete the registration process and pay the associated fees.

4. Publication Requirement

After successfully registering your DBA name in Louisiana, you need to meet a publishing requirement. You are required to publish a legal notice of your new DBA name in a newspaper published in the parish where your principal place of business is located.

Contact a local newspaper and inquire about their requirements for publishing DBA name notices. Once published, obtain an affidavit from the newspaper certifying that the notice has been published as required by law.

5. Additional Considerations

It's important to keep in mind the following points while obtaining and operating under your DBA name:

- Renewal: Louisiana DBA names expire after five years. You'll need to renew your DBA registration to maintain your right to operate using that name. Be sure to keep track of the renewal date to avoid any disruptions.

- Avoid Misrepresentation: Registering a DBA name does not provide exclusive rights to that name. Make sure your customers are aware that your DBA name is just an alternate name under which you operate, and it does not indicate a separate legal entity.

- Professional Assistance: If you have any doubts or concerns throughout the process of obtaining a DBA name, it's always advisable to seek legal assistance to ensure you follow all requirements diligently.


Registering a DBA name in Louisiana is an essential step for businesses operating under a different name than the owner's legal name. By following these steps and staying compliant with the regulations, you can give your business a distinct presence while establishing your legal right to operate under your chosen DBA name. Remember, the process may appear complex, so it's wise to consult a professional for personalized guidance when needed.

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